Tuesday, 6 November 2012

November- Naughty or Nice

I hope you have all been enjoying the last week of activity for Halloween and Guy Fawkes. Here we dressed my son up as a skeleton for Halloween (a rather creepy one) and he took delight in frightening everyone all day from our fish man to the neighbours. He went to school dressed like this (for the party), swimming lessons like this and then asked if he could wear it to bed too!

We ended up not going out to any firework displays this year as we had a couple of family parties at the weekend and I think my son was a bit tired out from it all so it was early to bed last night.
I have been creating some new artwork, mainly ACEOs but I will create larger pieces soon. These are still in a similar line to the last few I made with rather a wintry feel. I'll show you a few of them-

I quite like the faces of these little ladies, the only thing I've changed a little bit in my work lately is how I have been painting their eyes- usually I draw the eyes in with ink but I've been painting eyes with browns and aquas in gouache and quite like the results. These little ladies are of course available for sale in my etsy shop.


  1. Gorgeous little ACEOs! I've been making some too but haven't had time as yet to put them on my blog. I hope I get time tomorrow, I feel a bit out of the loop!
    Hearing about your son makes me wish my sons were younger again. It goes so fast when you look back.
    Jess x

    1. Thanks for the compliments on my ACEOs Jess :0) The time does go by so fast, people told me when he was a baby that it would and now he's 5, feels like yesterday x

  2. Love all your new aceo's! Your son does look spooky! LOL! Sorry I am late coming around to your blog! The internet was funny for a few days and I am trying to catch up now ;o)

    1. Thanks Stacy glad you like them, yeah that photo was the spookiest of all the ones I took- the others were all quite funny where one eye would be peeking through or it was all squint! Don't apologise, you are my number 1 blog commentator x

  3. Thanks Michele, glad you like it :0) Time does seem to speed up when you have children, I never thought about it much before, yes it must be lovely seeing them growing into who they want to be x
