Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Experiments in Acrylic

Every so often I crave working with acrylic paints and find the need to leave gouache behind for a while. I can be a lot more expressive working in acrylic in terms of texture and colour. I didn't want to stray too far away from my usual style but I thought I'd let you have a peek at what I've been working on and how its developed from my gouache and ink drawings.

I would really love some feedback on these, good, bad or indifferent.

The top paintings are my new works in acrylics and the bottom two show my inspiration.


  1. I love the acrylics (but then I love the ink and gouache too). I like the softness of the acrylics. The top one is my favourite

    kate x

  2. Thanks for the feedback Kate, I like that about the acrylics too sometimes, you can get a much softer feel and its nice experimenting a bit. That said I'll try not to go down the 'sketchstitch' route which was all over the place ;0)

  3. Thank you Michele, thats great to hear x

  4. I love them so much!! Excellent! Do more please Yvonne ;o)

  5. Thanks Stacy, that really spurs me on, going to keep experimenting x
